Happy Customers

Based on 4422 reviews
Happy little carpet bears

My little babies love their duck treats. They come to he sound of just touching the bag.

My boys scarf this stuff

Tigger and Blaze clean their bowls completely when it comes to this chicken breast treat. Athena prefers the fish, but the boys scarf this. I grind it up in their food for some good protein and nutrition.

Yummy, yummy to their tummies!!

My ferrets LOVE the salmon. I grind it up and throw it in their food. They won't eat plain food. Their favorites are the salmon and pollock. My little girl would be a fisher in the wild; she LOVES the salmon oil too!! All 3 are fans of any Pampered Ferret fish product.

Could not ask for anything better

I rescued my littles from a basement that had been flooded by a backed up septic tank so we all know what they we trying to survive in. This has not kidding along with the coal moisturizer has taken my sweet babies inchies away has helped her hair to start growing again. I have horrible seizures so unfortunately I cannot work a 9-5 but in my sadness of feeling worthless I was able to save my first dog then my second then my littles and I have my little house of amazing crazy I call it. From the snacks to the bath I couldn’t ask for more or anything better. My one little girl technically she’s a pole cat she had the worst ear infection and I would have to clean it everyday cause it oozes I always hated ear time cause I hate my baby crying with the bath I just mix a little in a shot glass and it cleans it so beautifully when it oozes and sticks to her fur which was the hardest part the bath just breaks it apart and it wipes off with no tears from mommy or my little I seriously can say enough how amazing the pampered ferret company really is. An answered prayer really.

Chicken Breast and Chicken Heart Treats

This is a new food product for my 2 girls and as you know ferrets don't always show interest in a new or different food. However, having been a ferret owner for over 25 years, I have different methods of helping them to "acquire" a taste for new foods. At this time, this where we are at with this treat and the Chicken Brest.

My baby Hershey loves Pampered Ferret…I will be moving her over 100% after the vet recommends fully changing her food.

It was a success!

My ferrets are very picky, so any treat I try with them has a high chance of not being eaten. So far we have a good record with products from here and this one was another success. One of mine loves them and I'm so happy because I know it's good for them to have some protein source variety. I know these will be good for her.

Ghost and Kurby

Both my babies LOVE THIS, both babys refused to transfer off of Marshall kibble until I bought this which now has made them love freeze dried raw anything and anything that’s raw or cook wet meat as well.
So thankful there is a ferret made food I can trust ❤️

Simple, easy bath time

I LOVE this product. Having the loose powder in the bag makes bath time for my 11 ferrets so much easier. Dissolves instantly and my babies enjoy it. Feels like a much safer product than what I would buy in store for myself and it has added it has the added duck fat & emu oil. I also purchase and use the Moisturizing Coat Oil to drop a little extra in the bath and add on after drying.

Only thing I would recommend is selling some bags without the scooper and making that a purchase options. I buy multiple bags at a time and have no problem using the scooper from an older bag into the next. One small thing to save the planet from additional waste as the scoopers are definitely reusable :)

Thank you for making such wonderful and healthy products for my adopted and rescued ferrets!

This coat oil is amazing and helps with itching. I use it daily on my two floofs and of course they love the taste! 🦦🦦 A little goes a long way so this oil lasts for a while!

Zelda and Link love their DOOK SOUP! Made with a lot of love for Floofs!

Loves the Dook soup ❤️

The treats and Dook soup are absolutely amazing, my three ferret kits can’t get enough of it 😍 I’m so happy, thank you so much pamper ferret, I’ll be getting a bigger order of Dook soup soon 🤗

both myboys love it

I was shocked

My baby is some what of a picky eater before I got her they let her and her two brother and sister eat anything and everything they wanted so when I got them it was almost a nightmare trying to get them healthy and back of ferret food. Noodles teeth are not best and if she doesn’t like something she will pick it up and move it out of her room and in the hallway lol not kidding I gave her a small piece of the beef kidney and he eyes got so wide and she tries to hard to bite on it and bite on it and she couldn’t bite it so while I was making it into soup she was right there not taking her eyes off me. I now know she loves her kidneys and her chick hearts. I love the burst of energy she has in the am again and I love that her hair has stopped thinning her doctor said unless I had a Time Machine to undo all the sugar dairy carbs candy dog food cat food who knows honestly what my babies had to go through living in a basement with a flooded bathroom. Gross if you want to live that way go for it, but no animal should have to live like that. Her doctor also loves you guys I was like omg doc check this out and pulled your page up lol

My kids love this stuff

I try to always have a bag on hand in case any of my ferrets starts not feeling well and need the high quality nutrition in a soup form, plus we have 'soupies' that we mix this into regularily that is always a hit!

My Dookin children love this soupie! Remember you guys, ferrets are very picky eaters and I have seen some very unfair reviews on here about the treats and dook soup. Remember that they eat “RAW” meat! You have to introduce things to this little carnivore continuously, not just 3 days and your done. Don’t be lazy with these floofs, you have to keep trying and take care of them like they deserve!🦦

Awesome Product!

My little lady is geriatric; 14 to be exact, and was struggling with protein intake. She wasn't a fan at first but putting a few pieces of food in was a huge help! She loves it, a great easy way to keep her healthy.

Love it my ferret love it

This balm is the bomb

My ferrets are fans of the back yard. They go out to play twice a day. We also live in New Mexico and it's very dry here. Two of them were having cracked pad issues. This stuff is great for healing them and I know they can still lick their paws to wash their faces and they aren't getting chemical-ed. Fantastic balm!

Great Snack

It took some time for my Charlie to start eating this treat, but now he really enjoys it!

Love love love

My ferrets feel so stinking soft with this stuff and my boys itch so sooo much less . Love yall

Raw diet Girls

I have 2 rescue ferrets that eat a raw food diet and my vet is trying to get them to wean off the raw diet, but thus far, they don't seem to respond to anything else. Tried the chicken jerk and the sample treats. Exploring every snack option searching for something they may like beside raw food.

Best purchase for their itchy skin!


My ferrets turned their noses up to this treat. They completely ignored it.

Really Happy with the purchase

I bought this and some other stuff from the store and I received some small samples of different treats for my babies, that was so nice and cute. I was so happy to see the packaging and the gifts since I am in the search for treats my ferrets would like. They are very picky eaters and won't eat unless it's a very specific kibble. Thank you so much for your costumer service ❤️